January is always a refreshing time for us at Bearcub Outfitters. Not only do we get to hit the reset button on our inventory (no small feat), but we also start the year off right with fun events for our customers and staff, like the Camp Daggett torchlight snowshoe hike.
You see, we think of our staff and our customers as family. So when people come back each year, we get pretty darn excited; and when they win our raffle prizes two years in a row...well, we are ecstatic! A special thank you to the Morado family who support Camp Daggett at the snowshoe event each year and who are loyal customers to Bearcub. We can't do what we do without friends like you!
We have another snowshoe outing at Camp Daggett scheduled for February 24, weather permitting. As always, this event is free and donations to Camp Daggett are encouraged and appreciated. The raffle prizes have been selected, the snowshoes have already been "warmed up," and you've just received your invitation. We just need more SNOW!!